Noah Baker

Noah Baker stands as one of the greatest financial advisors, passionately advocating for financial literacy. With his expertise, Noah empowers individuals to make informed financial decisions, fostering a stronger and more secure financial future for all.
  • Personal FinanceFixed-and-Flexible-Budget

    The Key Differences Between Fixed and Flexible Budgets

    For any business, organization, or even personal household, budgeting is a critical component of financial planning and management. Appropriate budgeting establishes predefined limits on spending, helps make financially sound decisions, and aids in evaluating performance. There are two main types of budgets that entities can utilize – fixed budgets and flexible budgets. Each budget type has its own advantages and…

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  • Personal FinanceOutsmarting_Financial_Froudsters

    Outsmarting Financial Fraudsters: A Guide to Avoiding Scams

    Scam artists have adapted to the digital age with cunning new schemes targeting the unsuspecting public. With technology expanding access and anonymity, everyone is vulnerable if not careful. This article will illuminate today’s most brazen frauds and provide tactics to keep your money secure. Financial crimes may seem modern, but roots stretch back centuries. Deceptive snake oil salesmen, phony treasure…

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  • Business and EconomyWhat-is-Gig-Economy

    The Gig Economy: How to Succeed with Side Hustles

    Gig economy! A buzzword that has stayed in people’s minds and tongues for quite some time, and revolutionized the way people approach money making. While many people rely solely on one that they have been doing for quite a long time, there are people who don’t make money this way. These are called “side hustlers.” You might have heard this…

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  • Personal FinanceShopping-Addiction

    How to Stop Shopping Addiction? Do’s and Don’ts

    My shopping addiction started innocently enough. A cute pair of shoes here, a nice blouse there. Retail therapy to pick-me-up after a long week. But at some point, casual shopping turned into an unhealthy compulsion threatens the financial goals. I was spending ridiculous amounts of money I didn’t have, buying things I didn’t need or even really want most of…

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  • Personal FinanceHow to Set Financial Goal

    How to Set Financial Goals in 2024: A Comprehensive Guide

    With every year, we see great economic changes all around the globe. These changes also affect our personal finances as it’s interconnected with the economy as well. This year, 2024, like every other year, there are new financial challenges for individuals and businesses alike. All of this contributes to high inflation, making it necessary to set financial goals. And in…

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  • Personal FinanceFinancial-literacy-for-teens

    Financial Literacy for Teens: A Parent’s Guide

    Let’s get real, financial literacy is crucial for teenagers today. With money apps, cashless purchasing, and non-stop social media advertising, our teens are handling finances in a whole new world. But are they ready? Statistics show most teens lack basic money management skills. It’s up to us parents to steer them towards financial responsibility. By teaching core money concepts early,…

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